Artist Bio
Solo Exhibitions
2019 Intersections, Woodcut and Silkscreen prints Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY.
2016 Groundscapes, Woodcut and Mokulito prints, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY.
Selected Exhibitions
2022 Women's Printmaking Invitational 2022, Kent State University at Stark, OH.
2015 Relief Efforts, Shoestring Press, Brooklyn, NY.
2014 Undone, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY.
2013 Faculty Biennial, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY.
2013 Printercourse, Launchpad Art Space, Brooklyn, NY.
2012 Postcards from NY, Barristers Gallery, New Orleans, LA. Curated by Christopher Saucedo.
2011 Altered States - The Printmakers Process, Sharon Goldberg, Contemporary Art, New York, NY.
2011 Constructions, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY. Solo exhibit.
2010 Form and Meaning, An Exhibition of Brooklyn Painters, Saint Francis College, Brooklyn, NY.
2009 Four Under Thirty-Four, Kleinert-James Art Center, Woodstock, NY.
Residencies and Awards
2017 Totemic 17 Printmaking Collaboration, MoMA Department of Prints and Printmaking. New York, NY.
2015 Anderson Ranch, Snowmass, CO.
2014 Mayapple Center for Arts & Humanities, Mayapple CT.
Professional Experience
2003 - present Lower School Art Instructor - grades Kindergarten - 3rd, The Cathedral School, New York, NY.
2015 - 2021 Board of Directors, Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, NY.
2015 - 2020 Figure Drawing Instructor, Framestore, New York, NY.
2006 - 2014 Adjunct Faculty, Adelphi University Department of Art, Garden City, NY.
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY
2003 MFA in Painting, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn NY
1998 BFA in Illustration, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI.
kristievalentine76 [at] gmail [dot] com
I was born in 1976 in Montclair, NJ. When I was 8 years old my family relocated to Florida where I was initiated into a very different culture and experience than I had been accustomed to while living in the north east.
In 1998 I moved to New York City after graduating from RISD and have been in a long term relationship with the city ever since. I received my MFA in painting from Brooklyn College in 2003, the same year I began teaching art to elementary students at the Cathedral School of St. John the Divine. I am proud to remain part of the faculty and community at the school where I have been stretched and humbled by scores of students who, in many ways, have been my teachers over the years.
Teaching art and offering a space where everyone feels safe to explore their own creativity is a primary focus of my life. I have led group meditations and offered workshops that combine art and contemplative practices such as meditation and writing, and plan to expand this offering in the future.
I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from many teachers who supported my growth as an artist and a human. In 2005, I became part of a printmaking community at the Manhattan Graphics Center, where I volunteered on the board of directors and learned alongside of many wonderful artists and teachers.
My meditation teacher, Harshada Wagner supported me in a different kind of learning, and one that has transnformed my experience of being alive. I recommend his support for anyone that wants to deepen their relationship with with life.
This website was created by my talented friend, Erica Criss. Take a look at the amazing services she offers for artists at Criss Collaborations and schedule a session with her.